氏 名: 土器屋由紀子 Yukiko Dokiya     
所 属:  NPO法人富士山測候所を活用する会 NPO Valid Utilization of Mt. Fuji Weather Station



Naoki Kaneyasu,  Shungo Kato,  Hiroshi Yasuda (NPO Valid Utilization of Mt. Fuji Weather Station),  Kazuya Sasaki,  Masaru Yasumoto(the University of Tokyo)


Research on the International distribution of trans-boundary oxidant concentration through wireless LAN from Mt. Fuji


2010年度の調査研究により、富士山測候所屋外、水槽上に設置した4枚の太陽光パネルにオゾン計を接続して、連続観測を成功させたが、そのデータを無線LANで送信するには、雷被害を受けない形で屋内と接続する必要がある。このため、本年は富士山測候所接地系のについて安全な接続を追及するための調査を行った。その結果、富士山測候所避雷上の特徴と問題点として、①接地状態と落雷電流路 ②ファラデーケージ(FC)の破れ、③電源設備の状況が明らかになり、特にFC破れ箇所のサージ電圧対策が重要であることが模擬体系を用いた実験から明らかになった。今後の現地での対応として、(1)FC破れ箇所のサージ電圧対策、(2)建屋外ケーブルの雷対策が必要であるため、本年行った調査を踏まえて具体的な方策を提案する。



In the research performed in 2010, a long term oxidant measurement by an independent power supply utilizing 4 solar panels were proved to be successful. However, for the connection with the indoor wireless LAN for the purpose of international distribution of real time data of oxidant, the protection of lightning strikes for the outside experimental instruments are necessary. Thus in this year, investigations were performed to clarify the earthing systems of the weather station and the characteristics of electric phenomena at Mt. Fuji. As the results, the following characteristics and problems are found: ① The electric current path of lightning and the earthing system, ② The damage of Faraday Cage, ③ The situation of electrical installation. Especially electromagnetic shielding at the Faraday Cage damage is important, which has been clarified from experiments. For the further operation at the summit, some practical suggestions will be proposed on the basis of the investigation of this summer.

 At the same time, a test for an year round monitoring power generation using an flexible solar panel has been started.






