氏名: 河村公隆(Kimitaka KAWAMURA)

所属: 北海道大学 低温科学研究所(Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido Univ.)


関宰(Osamu SEKI)1)、福田康朗(Yasuro FUKUDA)1),2)

1)北海道大学 低温科学研究所(Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido Univ.)

2)北海道大学大学院 環境科学院(Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido Univ.)




A study on chemical composition and origin of organic aerosols collected at the summit of Mt. Fuji





①ハイボリュームエアサンプラー(HV): 全粒径かつ詳細な化合物の分析に必要な大容量のエアロゾル粒子の捕集を目的とする。

②ローボリュームインパクター(LV): 気体として多くが存在している有機酸(ギ酸や酢酸など)の捕集を目的とした小型のサンプラー。中性フィルターにはエアロゾル粒子を、アルカリ含浸フィルターにはガス状有機酸を捕集する。

今年度の観測は8/3?8月29日にかけて、富士山測候所3号庁舎西側外部で実施した。エアロゾルは8/3-8/6は日中と夜間に分けて、それ以降は2日毎にフィルター交換を行い、LV, HVそれぞれ18セット(36枚)と15枚のフィルターを得た。





Atmospheric aerosols, suspended particles in the atmosphere, are thought to affect climate and weather condition via scattering solar radiation and acting as a cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), which can be a nuclei to form clouds. Among them, water-soluble organic aerosols, including low molecular weight dicarboxylic acids, are thought to have a large effect on a climate. Water-soluble organic aerosols are composed of not only primary emitted materials to the air, but also chemical degradation products of organic precursor compounds. Our laboratory has done many campaigns to reveal chemical compositions and distributions of organic aerosols at many locations.

This study aims to reveal molecular distributions, origins and transport pathway of organic aerosols over East-Asia and the western North Pacific region by analyzing the filter samples collected at the summit of Mt. Fuji following the results of the 2009 and 2010 campaign.

We had set two types of samplers to collect aerosol samples for each objectives described as below.

1. High-Volume air sampler (HV): for Total Suspended Particles (TSP), which will provide enough materials needed for detailed organic chemical analyses.

2. Low-Volume impactor sampler (LV): for organic acids such as formic and acetic acids, most of which exist in a gas phase in the air. The quartz filters that were impregnated with KOH were used to collect gaseous organic acids whereas particulate organic acids were collected on neutral quartz filters.

Sampling campaign had conducted from August 3rd to 29th 2011 at the outside of the 3rd Building at Mt. Fuji weather observatory. 15 HV filters and 18 sets of LV filters have been collected during this summer campaign.

Dicarboxylic acids will be measured by using GC/FID and GC/MS after dibutyl esterification of target compounds. And other organic compounds which was emitted from biomass burning and secondary products of biomass emissions will also be measured. Organic acids will be determined by GC/FID after derivatization to p-bromophenacyl esters. We will consider about the importance of these compounds in the free troposphere.

By analyzing samples we collected last year, we could identify chemical compositions and size distributions of various organic compounds over Mt.Fuji, and the results also suggested that many organic compounds are transported from the planetary boundary layer to the summit.

We expect that this year’s samples will provide more insights about the information on free tropospheric organic aerosols.


本研究では、富士山頂における有機エアロゾルの組成と起源を明らかにする為に、前年に引き続いて有機エアロゾルの観測を行う。今年度は、昨年度用いたハイボリュームエアーサンプラー(エアロゾル全量)とミドルボリュームエアーサンプラー(粒径別エアロゾル)に加えて、ローボリュームエアーサンプラー(有機酸捕集)、霧水採取器を持ち込む予定である。これらの観測結果を総合する事で、山頂に輸送された有機エアロゾルに関するより詳細な知見を得る事を目的とする。試料から分離した有機物の解析にはGC, GC/MS, GC/irMS等を使用予定。