2010年度富士山測候所 研究報告書(速報 その8)
氏 名:キャリン・セレグリ Karine Sellegri
所 属:物理気象研究所 フランス国立科学研究センター LaMP, CNRS
松木 篤 (金沢大学 フロンティアサイエンス機構)
ジュリアン・ブーロン(物理気象研究所 フランス国立科学研究センター)
Atsushi Matsuki (Frontier Science Organization, Kanazawa University)
Julien Boulon (LaMP, CNRS)
研究テーマ: 富士山山頂における新粒子生成の観測
New Particle Formation Events at Mont Fuji
図1. 2010年8月5日に富士山山頂で観測された大気中マイナスイオン個数粒子径分布の時間変化
Figure1. Ion number size distribution (negatively charged) measured at the summit of Mt. Fuji
on 5 Aug 2010.
Climate change is not just about CO2, but microscopic particles (atmospheric aerosols) also play a major role. They regulate today’s climate either by interfering with solar and terrestrial radiation, or indirectly by acting as seeds of cloud (or cloud condensation nuclei) upon which water vapor condense onto. In short, without the aerosols, there will be no cloud (or rain).
The “new particle formation” in the title literally refers to an event by which new particles are formed in the atmosphere through condensation of precursor gases. Such gases are often adsorbed on preexisting particles (e.g. in polluted environments) and there will be no net change in the number of particles. On the other hand, explosive blooms of tiny particles have been observed in rather clean environments. The condition or mechanism that triggers the new particle formation is still not very well understood, but attracted much attention as an important pathway for increasing the number of cloud condensation nuclei.
This project aims at capturing the exact moment of new particle formation by monitoring the concentration of atmospheric ions (nanometer sized, 1/1,000,000 of millimeter) which mediate gases and particles. Unlike airborne measurements using aircrafts, the project takes full advantage of the summit of Mt. Fuji (3,776m) as a “monitoring tower” for continuously measuring rather clean air aloft. Since last year, joint French and Japanese team has been installing an ion counter at the summit during summer season. The 2010 campaign ended in an overall success with over one month’s worth of continuous data. Figure 1 shows the variation of negatively charged ion concentration in 5 August, 2010. There was a drastic increase and growth of ions around 9:30LST lasting more than few hours. On this day, weather was fine at the summit and the ion growth pattern was completely different from that typically found during rain (Lenard effect*). This example strongly suggests that the new particle formation indeed took place at the site. We plan to compare with the meteorological parameters, trace gases and aerosol concentrations to analyze the condition of such event in more detail.
*Lenard effect: phenomenon by which atmospheric ions are formed through bursting water droplets.
プロジェクト計画: 富士山山頂における新粒子生成の観測