2010年度富士山測候所 研究報告書(速報 その11)

氏 名:  松田 益義 Matsuda Masuyoshi
所 属: 株式会社MTS雪氷研究所 MTS Institute Inc.


島村 誠 (東日本旅客鉄道株式会社 JR東日本研究開発センター 防災研究所) 

Shimamura Makoto  (Disaster Prevention Research Laboratory, East Japan Railway Company)

研究テーマ: 3次元雨量計の強風環境下における性能比較試験

Verification of the three-dimensional rain gauge under the strong wind environment


MTS雪氷研究所とJR東日本防災研究所は、雨水の飛来方向と落下量(雨量)を計測できる「3次元雨量計」を共同開発し、2010年夏季に富士山頂の測候所測風塔の最高点に試験設置した。 転倒ます雨量計と3次元風向風速計等も併置し(右写真参照)、ソーラー電源による自動観測と携帯電話による定期的なデータ回収を行った。





写真左. 富士山頂の測候所測風塔          写真右. 3次元雨量計、転倒ます雨量計、3次元風向風速計等


New three-dimensional rain gauge (3D rain gage) was developed by authors aiming at the measurement of the direction and the quantity of raindrops falling under strong wind conditions. A tipping bucket type rain gauge had been once installed on the top of Mt. Fuji, and was dismantled due to the difficulty of catching raindrops rising with the ascending wind along the slope. The purpose of present observation is the verifying the availability of 3D rain gage even under the worst wind conditions of Mt. Fuji and its measurement accuracy, in comparison with the data of tipping bucket type rain gage and of three-dimensional anemometer installed beside the 3D rain gage.

During one and half months observation at Mt. Fuji, 3D rain gage run in nine times of rainfalls and recorded total 41 hours of rainfall. Results obtained are; 3D rain gage was available for Mt. Fuji, it recorded more amount of rainfall compared with tipping bucket type rain gage, and the falling directions of raindrops are harmonious with the three dimensional wind vectors.


