2010年度富士山測候所 研究報告書(速報 その12)
氏 名: 須永温子、野尻幸宏、向井人史
Atsuko Sunaga , Yukihiro Nojiri , Hitoshi Mukai
所 属: 独立行政法人 国立環境研究所 地球環境研究センター 炭素循環研究室
National Institute for Environmental Studies(NIES)、Center of Global Environmental Research (CGER),Carbon Cycle Research Laboratory
研究テーマ: 観測環境が厳しい遠隔地におけるCO2観測・2年目に向けて
CO2 Observation in remote and harsh environment
National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) had a year round automatic CO2 measurement on the top of Mt Fuji since August, 2009. The data is daily sent to NIES in Tsukuba. Ibaraki by satellite data communication.
This year, after the first year of the measurement, we aimed to develop and improve the system and prepare for the second overwinter observation.
Another task this summer was to recharge 100 sealed zinc batteries automatically between our first and second visits. We transferred those batteries to the summit last year as the power for the CO2 measurement system to run for about 11 months. We charged them successfully with new systems we developed which use only two battery chargers for 100 batteries.
We resolved a problem with satellite data communication by decreasing the amount of data to send last summer. However it was better to improve the system to be able to send all the measured data without any delay. For that, we developed another system (Fuji-2) similar to the first version (Fuji-1), that adopted another satellite data transfer service called Iridium. We had an experimental measurement with Fuji-2 during the summer for two months.
At last we prepared the whole system for the second year of unattached automatic measurement through the winter.