2010年度富士山測候所 研究報告書(速報 その13)
氏 名: 浅野 勝己(Katsumi Asano)
所 属: 筑波大学名誉教授(Professor emeritus of Tsukuba University)
共同研究者氏名・所属:岡崎 和伸・大阪市立大学 (Kazunobu Okazaki, Osaka City University)
研究テーマ: 富士山頂短期滞在時の安静および運動時の脳血流・心血行動態に及ぼす影響に関する研究
Studies on the effects of rest and work on cerebral blood flow and cardiovascular hemodynamics during short staying at the summit of Mt. Fuji (3,776m)
2)プロトコール:仰臥位安静時および立位安静時の測定をそれぞれ5分間行った。その後、踏み台昇降運動を3分間行った後、仰臥位安静回復時の測定を5分間行った。踏み台昇降運動は、頻度15回/分、台高30.5cmであり、推定酸素摂取量は17.3 ml・kg-1・分-1であった。
図 TOIおよびnTHIの結果
The purpose of the study in this year was to investigate the effects of rest and work on cerebral blood flow and cardiovascular hemodynamics during short staying at Mt. Fuji (3,776 m). Nine adults participated in the study. Three of 9 subjects underwent a 4 consecutive days of experiment, sea level (SL, Gotemba, 500 m), at 1st to 3rd day during stay in the summit of Mt. Fuji (Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3). The other 6 subjects underwent one experiment during stay in the summit of Mt. Fuji (at 2nd to 15th day). During supine rest and standing rest, 5 min data was collected. Then, subjects performed a stair stepping exercise (step height, 30 cm; stepping rate, 15 steps/min) for 3 min. After exercise, 5 min data was collected again during subjects kept supine rest. We measure heart rate (HR), systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP and DBP), arterial oxygen saturation (SpO2), changes in oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin concentration, and also tissue oxygen index (TOI) and tissue hemoglobin index (nTHI) at left frontal cortex area and at right middle vastus lateralis. We found that HR increased at Day 1, and further at Day 2 and Day 3 compared with SL throughout the protocol. SBP and DBP remained unchanged at Day 1, while increased at Day 2 and Day 3 compared with SL throughout the protocol. SpO2, and TOI at both sight decreased at Day 1 to 3 compared with SL but it gradually recovered at Day 2 and Day 3 throughout the protocol. These responses were pronounced at 1 min after exercise. nTHI at right middle vastus lateralis increased at Day 1 to 3 compared with SL throughout the protocol. On the other hand, nTHI at left frontal cortex area increased at Day 1 and Day 2 compared with SL throughout the protocol, whereas it recovered to SL level during supine and standing rest while increased at supine rest after exercise at Day 3. Thus, increased nTHI, which is a measure of tissue blood volume or vasodilation, at brain may be a possible mechanism of headache and acute mountain sickness during stay and exercise at high altitude.