
認定NPO法人 富士山測候所を活用する会 オフィシャルブログ


2010年度富士山測候所 研究報告書(速報 その13)

氏 名: 浅野 勝己(Katsumi Asano)

所 属: 筑波大学名誉教授(Professor emeritus of Tsukuba University)

共同研究者氏名・所属:岡崎 和伸・大阪市立大学 (Kazunobu Okazaki, Osaka City University) 

研究テーマ: 富士山頂短期滞在時の安静および運動時の脳血流・心血行動態に及ぼす影響に関する研究

Studies on the effects of rest and work on cerebral blood flow and cardiovascular hemodynamics during short staying at the summit of Mt. Fuji (3,776m)




2)プロトコール:仰臥位安静時および立位安静時の測定をそれぞれ5分間行った。その後、踏み台昇降運動を3分間行った後、仰臥位安静回復時の測定を5分間行った。踏み台昇降運動は、頻度15回/分、台高30.5cmであり、推定酸素摂取量は17.3 ml・kg-1・分-1であった。





図 TOIおよびnTHIの結果


The purpose of the study in this year was to investigate the effects of rest and work on cerebral blood flow and cardiovascular hemodynamics during short staying at Mt. Fuji (3,776 m). Nine adults participated in the study. Three of 9 subjects underwent a 4 consecutive days of experiment, sea level (SL, Gotemba, 500 m), at 1st to 3rd day during stay in the summit of Mt. Fuji (Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3). The other 6 subjects underwent one experiment during stay in the summit of Mt. Fuji (at 2nd to 15th day). During supine rest and standing rest, 5 min data was collected. Then, subjects performed a stair stepping exercise (step height, 30 cm; stepping rate, 15 steps/min) for 3 min. After exercise, 5 min data was collected again during subjects kept supine rest. We measure heart rate (HR), systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP and DBP), arterial oxygen saturation (SpO2), changes in oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin concentration, and also tissue oxygen index (TOI) and tissue hemoglobin index (nTHI) at left frontal cortex area and at right middle vastus lateralis. We found that HR increased at Day 1, and further at Day 2 and Day 3 compared with SL throughout the protocol. SBP and DBP remained unchanged at Day 1, while increased at Day 2 and Day 3 compared with SL throughout the protocol. SpO2, and TOI at both sight decreased at Day 1 to 3 compared with SL but it gradually recovered at Day 2 and Day 3 throughout the protocol. These responses were pronounced at 1 min after exercise. nTHI at right middle vastus lateralis increased at Day 1 to 3 compared with SL throughout the protocol. On the other hand, nTHI at left frontal cortex area increased at Day 1 and Day 2 compared with SL throughout the protocol, whereas it recovered to SL level during supine and standing rest while increased at supine rest after exercise at Day 3. Thus, increased nTHI, which is a measure of tissue blood volume or vasodilation, at brain may be a possible mechanism of headache and acute mountain sickness during stay and exercise at high altitude.




2010年度富士山測候所 研究報告書(速報 その12)

氏 名: 須永温子、野尻幸宏、向井人史

Atsuko Sunaga , Yukihiro Nojiri , Hitoshi Mukai

所 属: 独立行政法人 国立環境研究所 地球環境研究センター 炭素循環研究室

National Institute for Environmental Studies(NIES)、Center of Global Environmental Research (CGER),Carbon Cycle Research Laboratory 


研究テーマ: 観測環境が厳しい遠隔地におけるCO2観測・2年目に向けて

CO2 Observation in remote and harsh environment




   写真1. 充電システム                                    写真2.測定システ全体 (越冬観測体制)


National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) had a year round automatic CO2 measurement on the top of Mt Fuji since August, 2009. The data is daily sent to NIES in Tsukuba. Ibaraki by satellite data communication.

This year, after the first year of the measurement, we aimed to develop and improve the system and prepare for the second overwinter observation.

Another task this summer was to recharge 100 sealed zinc batteries automatically between our first and second visits. We transferred those batteries to the summit last year as the power for the CO2 measurement system to run for about 11 months. We charged them successfully with new systems we developed which use only two battery chargers for 100 batteries.

We resolved a problem with satellite data communication by decreasing the amount of data to send last summer. However it was better to improve the system to be able to send all the measured data without any delay. For that, we developed another system (Fuji-2) similar to the first version (Fuji-1), that adopted another satellite data transfer service called Iridium. We had an experimental measurement with Fuji-2 during the summer for two months.

At last we prepared the whole system for the second year of unattached automatic measurement through the winter.




2010年度富士山測候所 研究報告書(速報 その11)

氏 名:  松田 益義 Matsuda Masuyoshi
所 属: 株式会社MTS雪氷研究所 MTS Institute Inc.


島村 誠 (東日本旅客鉄道株式会社 JR東日本研究開発センター 防災研究所) 

Shimamura Makoto  (Disaster Prevention Research Laboratory, East Japan Railway Company)

研究テーマ: 3次元雨量計の強風環境下における性能比較試験

Verification of the three-dimensional rain gauge under the strong wind environment


MTS雪氷研究所とJR東日本防災研究所は、雨水の飛来方向と落下量(雨量)を計測できる「3次元雨量計」を共同開発し、2010年夏季に富士山頂の測候所測風塔の最高点に試験設置した。 転倒ます雨量計と3次元風向風速計等も併置し(右写真参照)、ソーラー電源による自動観測と携帯電話による定期的なデータ回収を行った。





写真左. 富士山頂の測候所測風塔          写真右. 3次元雨量計、転倒ます雨量計、3次元風向風速計等


New three-dimensional rain gauge (3D rain gage) was developed by authors aiming at the measurement of the direction and the quantity of raindrops falling under strong wind conditions. A tipping bucket type rain gauge had been once installed on the top of Mt. Fuji, and was dismantled due to the difficulty of catching raindrops rising with the ascending wind along the slope. The purpose of present observation is the verifying the availability of 3D rain gage even under the worst wind conditions of Mt. Fuji and its measurement accuracy, in comparison with the data of tipping bucket type rain gage and of three-dimensional anemometer installed beside the 3D rain gage.

During one and half months observation at Mt. Fuji, 3D rain gage run in nine times of rainfalls and recorded total 41 hours of rainfall. Results obtained are; 3D rain gage was available for Mt. Fuji, it recorded more amount of rainfall compared with tipping bucket type rain gage, and the falling directions of raindrops are harmonious with the three dimensional wind vectors.




2010年度富士山測候所 研究報告書(速報 その10)

氏 名:    三浦和彦 Kazuhiko Miura

所 属:東京理科大学理学部 Faculty of Science, Tokyo University of Science



小林 拓(山梨大学)

Katsuhiro Nagano (Faculty of Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science)

Hiroshi Kobayashi (University of Yamanashi)

研究テーマ: 富士山頂におけるエアロゾル粒子と雲凝結核の測定

Measurements of aerosol particles and cloud condensation nuclei at the summit and a base of Mt. Fuji



図1に富士山頂においてSMPSで測定した全粒子数濃度とOPCで測定した0.3,1.0, 5.0um以上の粒子数濃度を示す。拡散ドライヤーを用いて湿度20%以下の乾燥状態で測定している。0.3um以上の粒子は日中高く、夜間低くなる日変化が見られ、大気境界層からの輸送が予想される。また、この図からはわからないが、今年度も20nm以下の粒子が3時間以上にわたり増加する現象が観測された。



図1 富士山頂においてSMPSで測定した全粒子、OPCで測定した0.3,1, 5 um以上の粒子数濃度

Fig.1 Variations of number concentration of total particles, particles larger than 0.3, 1, 5 um in diameter measured with SMPS and OPC.

謝辞 本研究の一部は科研費基盤研究C(代表 三浦和彦、2010-2012年度)の助成により行われた。


 Size distributions from 4.4 nm to 5000 nm in diameter were measured with a scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS, TSI 3936N25 or 3936L22) and an optical particle counter (OPC, RION KR12), at the summit (3776m, 35.36N, 138.73E) and the base Tarobo (1300 m) between 17th July and 25th August 2010. Sample air was dried to lower than 20% with a diffusion dryer.  Variations of number concentration of total particles, particles larger than 0.3, 1, 5 um in diameter measured with SMPS and OPC were shown in Fig. 1.  Particles larger than 300nm with the OPC showed a clear diurnal variation, high in the daytime and low at night.  This suggests that the origin of these particles was in the boundary layer.  Concentrations of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and small ions were firstly measured in the summit at this year.  We analyze the relation of the CCN and the size distribution, and the relation of the small ion, ionization, and aerosols.



飯沼和久、三浦和彦、小林 拓他 富士山で測定した粒径分布の特性(仮)、日本大気電気学会第84回研究発表会、防衛大学、2011年1月6-7日

長谷川朋子、三浦和彦他 富士山頂で測定した雲凝結核濃度と凝結核濃度との関係(仮)、日本大気電気学会第84回研究発表会、防衛大学、2011年1月6-7日

須田 祥、三浦和彦、小林 拓他 富士山で測定した個別粒子の特性(仮)、日本大気電気学会第84回研究発表会、防衛大学、2011年1月6-7日

武田真憲、永野勝裕、三浦和彦他 富士山で測定したラドン濃度の変動(仮)、日本大気電気学会第84回研究発表会、防衛大学、2011年1月6-7日

梶川 藍、三浦和彦他 富士山頂で測定した小イオン濃度の変動(仮)、日本大気電気学会第84回研究発表会、防衛大学、2011年1月6-7日

プロジェクト計画: 富士山頂におけるエアロゾル粒子と雲凝結核の測定




関連blog:現地報告第2.5弾 富士山応援メッセージの提案
